Quick Mindset Tip – How to avoid negative thoughts

As human beings we have a choice to choose between 2 kinds of activities on a daily basis:

  1. Activities based on plans, long term goals or targets OR
  2. Activities driven by emotions like sadness, happiness, anxiety, anger… etc.

Most often, we get carried away by activities driven by emotions and that too, mostly by the negative kind. Its often hard to persuade ourselves to return back on track and we keep going about in vicious circles only to end up burning away all the precious time ultimately gaining nothing. This is not always the case with all kinds of emotion, but mostly the negative emotions.

So here is a quick tip to navigate this situation, as long as the emotion you are feeling is Happiness or Sadness caused by pain, let yourself journey through it. But for all other kinds of emotion, tell yourself this – “You are either going to waste all the time thinking about how Sad, Unfair or regretful you are OR you can choose to focus on your long term goals, because this too shall pass”.